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Assessment 3 Information

Subject Code:TECH2300
Subject Name:Service and Operations Management in IT
Assessment Title:Business continuity plan design
Assessment Type:Individual
Word  Count:2000Words(+/-10%)
Total Marks:40
Due Date:Week13

Your Task

Choose and describe your organisation, including the industry it is in and background of the organisation

  • Conduct a risk management plan
  • Conduct business impact analysis
  • Conduct incident response plan
  • Conduct a recovery plan

Assessment Description

Adverse events could cause significant disruptions to a business. Your task is to select an organization of your choice and consider adverse events that would lead to significant disruption of the business. Then, you are to conduct a management plan to discuss the impact to the business; incident response and recovery plan which to bring the business back to normal conditions.

This assessment aims to achieve the following subject learning outcomes:

LO1Analyse the organizational and people factorsthat influence the delivery and operationalisation of IT services.
LO2Determine the information and technological requirements for effective IT service delivery in diverse organisational contexts.
LO3Evaluate the performance of partners and suppliers in ensuring the effective delivery of IT services within organisations.
LO4Design IT values teams and processes that underpin an organisation’s products and services.

Assessment Instructions

Students must conduct research externally and included references in order to produce a well referenced case study. You should use at least ten(10)sources of information and reference these in accordance with the Kaplan Harvard Referencing Style. These may include websites, social media sites, industry reports, census data, journal articles, and newspaper articles. These references should be presented as in-text citations and a referencing list at the end of your assessment (not included in the word limit). Wikipedia and other ‘popular’ sites are not to be used.

Students may use the attached template when conducting the assessment.

Select an organization of your choice (it has to be a real company in Australia),discuss the industry and the business it is in and how it is particularly vulnerable to business disruptions and disasters.

Part One– Risk management plan

  • Identify and analyse events that affect your business adversely and evaluate measures to deal with each of these identified risks.
  • Aminimumof5risksneedstobe identified.
  • Use the following risk management matrix when conducting your risk analysis:
5x5 Risk Matrix: Importance and Examples | SafetyCulture


Part Two–Business impact analysis

Business Impact Analysis uses information in your Risk Management Plan (Part One) to assess identified risks and impacts against critical activities of your business and determine basic recovery requirements.

Critical activities are primary business functions that must continue to allow your business to continue to operate.

You need to include the following in your business impact analysis:

  • Identify4criticalbusinessactivitiesofyour business.
  • Impact to the business in the event of disruption.
  • Length of time the business can survive without performing this activity.
  • Assignment of Recovery Time Objectives(RTO)to each function, which is defined as time from declaration of a crisis/disaster to time the critical business function return fully operational to avoid serious financial loss.

Part Three–Incident response plan

Prepare a plan which allow timely response to 4 types of critical incidents and reduce the impact of those incidents on business operations identified in Part Two.

Part Four–Recovery plan

Recovery is returning to the condition before the emergency. Primary focus should be on performance of critical activities as soon as possible after a critical incident.

Students are expected to complete in the template recovery support in ‘worstcase’ scenarios, and includes the following:

  • Strategies to recover business activities in the quickest possible time.
  • Identifying resources required to recover operations.
  • List the positions responsible and have an anticipated completion date/time.

Part Five – Reflection

The four pillars of a BCP are assessment, preparedness, response, and recovery. In light with the specific industry your company is in, provide ONE (1) recommendation with explanation on how your company can improve in its readiness in each of the pillars of BCP.

Important Study Information

Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy

KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy.

Please read the policy to learn the answers to these questions:

  • What is academic integrity and misconduct?
  • What are the penalties for academic misconduct?
  • How can I appeal my grade?


Late submission of assignments (within the Assessment Policy)
A screenshot of a calendar  Description automatically generated

Length Limits for Assessments

Penalties may be applied for assessment submissions that exceed prescribed limits.

Study Assistance

Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centrepage. Further details can be accessed at

Generative AI Traffic Lights

Please see the level of Generative AI that this assessment is Level 2 has been designed to accept:

 Traffic LightAmount of Generative Artificial Intelligence (Generative AI) usage Evidence RequiredThis assessment()
    Level1 Prohibited: No Generative AI allowedThis assessment showcases your individual knowledge, skills and/or personal experiences in the absence of Generative AI support.   The use of generative AI is  prohibited for this assessment and may potentially result in penalties for academic misconduct, including but not limited to a mark of zero for the assessment. 
            Level2      Optional:You may use Generative AI for research and content generation that is appropriately referenced. See assessment instructions for detailsThis assessment allows you to engage with Generative AI as a means of expanding your understanding, creativity, and idea generation in the research phase of your assessment and to produce content that enhances your assessment. I.e., images. You do not have to use it. The use of Gen AI is optional for this assessment. Your collaboration with Generative AI must be clearly referenced just as you would reference any other resource type used. Click on the link below to learn how to reference Generative AI. addition, you must include an appendix that documents your Generative AI collaboration including all prompts and responses used for the assessment. Unapproved use of generative AI as per assessment details during the content generation parts of your assessment may potentially result in penalties for academic misconduct, including but not limited to a mark of zero for the assessment. Ensure you follow the specific assessment instructions in the section above.          ✓
            Level3     Compulsory:You must use Generative AI to complete your assessment See assessment instruction for details This assessment fully integrates Generative AI, allowing you to harness the technology’s full potential in collaboration with your own expertise.Always check your assessment instructions carefully as there may still be limitations on what constitutes acceptable use, and these may be specific to each assessment. You will be taught how to use generative AI and assessed on its use. Your collaboration with Generative AI must be clearly referenced just as you would reference any other resource type used. Click on the link below to learn how to reference Generative AI. In addition, you must include an appendix that documents your Generative AI collaboration including all prompts and responses used for the assessment.Unapproved use of generative AI as per assessment details during the content generation parts of your assessment may potentially result in penalties for academic misconduct, including but not limited to a mark of zero for the assessment. Ensure you follow the specific assessment instructions in the section abov

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