Pro Project Helper

ECO5911 Managerial Economics

Assessment 2

ECO5911 Managerial Economics

Trimester 3, 2024

Assessment Type: Macroeconomic Analysis – Individual Report Weighting: 40%

Learning Outcomes Assessed: ULO 3 and 4 Word Limit: 3,000 words

Due date: 24 January 2025, 11:59 pm (AEDT)

All submissions must be submitted with a signed Ozford Institute of Higher Education Cover Sheet via Moodle. Late submissions will attract a penalty of 5% of the assessment weighting for each calendar day late unless the lecturer grants an extension.


Assume you are in the business of manufacturing furniture (office and house furniture) and are planning to expand your business operations in Australia. As part of your business strategy, you need to analyse the macroeconomic environment to make informed decisions.

Assessment questions.

  1. Analysis of Macroeconomic Indicators
    • Discuss the trends in unemployment, inflation, and GDP growth in Australia in 2024. How do these indicators influence the overall economic environment?
    • Provide up-to-date data on unemployment rates, inflation rates, and GDP growth from 2020 to 2024.
    • Use graphs to illustrate these trends effectively.
  1. Impact on Business Decisions
    • Based on your observations in Question 1, analyse how changes in unemployment, inflation, and GDP growth affect your business decisions in terms of pricing, production, and investment.
    • Provide examples specific to your furniture manufacturing business to illustrate your points.
  1. Implications of Government Policies and GDP Recovery
    • The Australian government has implemented policies aimed at boosting GDP growth. Discuss how a recovery in GDP growth would influence your business expansion plans.
    • Identify and evaluate the opportunities and risks associated with these changes as they relate to your business operations.

Submission Contents.

  • A cover page with unit name and code, student number, and name.
    • Introduction
    • Main body – The main body should address all assessment questions
    • Reference List – All references cited in the main body must be included in the reference list. Follow the Harvard style of referencing.
    • Upload your report in MS Word format.

Important links

Reserve Bank of Australia Australian Bureau of Statistics


Marking Rubrics

CriteriaHigh DistinctionDistinctionCreditPassFail
Understanding of Unemployment, Inflation, and GDP Growth Trends(10 marks)Demonstrates an excellent understanding of the current trends in unemployment, inflation, and GDP growth, providing accurate and up- to-date data. Graphs arewell-crafted and enhance the discussion.Demonstrates a very good understanding with minor inaccuracies in data or interpretation. Graphs are clear and mostly accurate.Demonstrates a good understanding with some inaccuracies. Graphsare included but may lack clarity or precision.Demonstrates an average understanding withsignificant inaccuracies or incomplete data. Graphs may be present but are poorly constructed.Demonstrates poor or no understanding of the trends. Data is missing or incorrect. Graphs are either absentor irrelevant.
Analysis of Business Decisions in Response to Macroeconomic Changes(10 marks)Provides an insightful analysis of how changesin unemployment, inflation, and GDP growth affect business decisions, supported by relevantexamples.Provides a strong analysis with relevant examples, though some aspects may lack depth.Provides a basic analysis with some relevant examples but lacks depth and detail.Provides a superficial analysis with limited examples and minimal connection to business decisions.Provides littleto no analysis. Examples are irrelevant or missing.
Evaluation of Government Policies and GDP Growth Impact on Business(15 marks)Provides a thorough evaluation of government policies and their potential impact on business expansion, identifying both opportunities and risks withstrong rationale.Provides a strong evaluation with minor gaps in identifying opportunities or risks.Provides a basic evaluation, identifying some opportunities and risks but lacks depth.Provides a superficial evaluation with limited identification of opportunities or risks.Provides little to no evaluation. Opportunities and risks are either poorly identified or absent.
Report Structure and Referencing(5 marks)The report is excellently structured with a clear flow ofideas. All references are properly cited and listed accurately.The report is well-structured with minor issues in flow or citation. Almost all references are properly cited.The report is adequately structured, but someareas lack clarity. Most references are properly cited.The report is somewhat disorganized withseveral issues in citation. Many references are improperly cited or missing.The report is poorly structured with little to no organization. Most references are missingor incorrectly cited.
Total 40 marksComments

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