Assessment Overview
For the assessment of BUS UNIT 6204, There are three assessment tasks you must fulfil in order to complete in BUS6204 Unit.Detail saregiveninUnitdescriptorandalsoon“Studyboard@VIT”.
Assessment will be done with the following timetable:
No. | Assessment Name | Date Open | Date of Submission |
1 | Discussion Participation 20% weight age | Start at week2 | Week2,3,4,5Sundayby11.55pm |
2 | Case Study Report: GroupProject40%weightage (25%-Report, 15% presentation) | Week3 | Week4Sundayby11.55pm |
3 | Individual Report 40% weightage | Week5 | Week6Sundayby11.55pm |
Each week, you will be guided by our LMS on all the course requirements of our MBA unit including what to do in that week, and how to fulfill task requirements. For each assessment, the “Studyboard@VIT” will provide details on the assessment task and guidelines including how you will be assessed on each assessment task, marking criteria and so on.
Some clarification on each assessment:
- Assessment1: Discussion Participation
Discussion Participation: You will be assesses based on your accessible login on LMS, using the CHAT on the LMS. Also, your interaction through email etc. with faculty and coordinators here in Australia. No assessment can be done by any other facilitator.
- Assessment2:Case Study Report:Group Project and Presentation(2000words)
Studentsinagroupof3-4 will analyze the provided case study, identifying the theoretical models and concepts to describe and explain the questions mentioned below the case and recommend possible interventions taking into consideration ethical and practical factors in their determinations. This is a Group Assessment, and students will present their work done. Students will normally work in a group of 3 to 4 students.
- Assessment3: Individual Report(2000words)
Individual Report on Organization Development and Continuous Change: Students will develop a theoretical model to analyze aspecificmanagerialproblemwithrespectivetochangemanagement.Studentswillneedto demonstratetheirknowledgeandabilitytocriticallydevelopthemodelobjectives,thedecisionvariablesandthe organizational constraints. The studentsmustprepare abrief reportto demonstrate theirabilityusingsolver functiontogenerateanoptimalsolutionandassisttheirmanagementindecisionmaking.
The following instructions are strictly applied throughout our MBA programme:
›1.The assessments are an importantpartofunitprogressionandaretobeattendedtodiligently.Hence,noattempt at an assessment task means no marks.
›3.Assessmentguidelinesmustbe followed as per the guidelinesprovided.For example, ifthe assessment is onwritingreportwith2000words,itmustbelikethat,pagesarenotimportant,butwordcountarenecessary Incase, word count exceedsmorethan10%or10%lessofthespecified word count,itwill consider with10% mark deductions.
›4.All assessmenttobesubmittedtoVIT,Australiaandwillbechecked,markedand providedwithfeedback.No assessment can be done anywhere other than VIT, Australia.
›6.Total weight ofassessmentandmarkingwillbedoneasoverall.
›7.Studentsarerequiredtoachieveatleast40%marksinthefinalassessmentcomponentandanoverall markof 50% to achieve a pass grade in the unit.
›8.The authorized agent/local facilitator can help student understand theassessment parts andwillbeappointedas
“Invigilator”(supervisiononly)for theassessment.
Note:For all assignments,thepreferredlayoutisin12-pointCalibri,with1.5linespacing,5centimetersleft-hand margins and bold headings. Whenever you use the ideas and arguments of other writers, you must refer to the writers and their work. By acknowledging the work of others, you avoid plagiarism. The APA style requires a reference list at the end of your assignment. It is arranged in alphabetical order by author surname.
For further clarification you can contact the coordinator via email.
Assessment 1
Discussion Participation•Weightage20%
Student Guidelines
›1.In this class, online discussions will count towards your assignments grade in the course. The purpose of the discussion board is to frame and promote collaborative learning. Active and regular participation is not only important for lecture to see, but also important for you in learning the course content and in developing your thoughts and positions on various topics.
› 2. You are expected to participate on at least 3 different forums. You should begin at least one thread and provide at least three posts in response to other participants’ threads. Posting should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of two paragraphs. Word totals for each post should be in the 100-200 words range.
› 3. While on discussion: you agree or disagree explain why with supporting evidence and concepts from the readings or a related experience.Include a reference,link,or citation when appropriate.
› 4. While on discussion: Be organized in your thoughts and ideas.In corporate correlations with the assigned readings or topics. Stay on topic. Provide evidence of critical and thoughtfulness in your responses or interactions. Avoid summarizing.
›5.During the discussion:Contribute to the learning community by being creative in your approaches to topics, being relevant in the presented viewpoints, and attempting to motivate the discussion.
›6.In discussion:Be aware of grammar and sentence
mechanics.Use proper etiquette.
›7.Remember that being respectful is always critical in the classroom, online and during forum chat discussions.
The Assess or will assess you on the following: Discussion and Participation:
- Are made in at imely fashion,giving others an opportunity to respond.
- Are thoughtful and analyze the content or question asked.
- Pose new possibilities or opinions not previously voiced.
- Are Ideas expressed clearly and concisely. Uses appropriate vocabulary. Is attentive to spelling and grammar.
- Spend the time to construct creative, challenging and engaging discussion assignments, which promote participation.
BUS6204-Assessment1•Forum Discussion Rubric
Name of the Student:
Student No:
Assessment Task:Forum Discussion•Weightage: 20%
Lecturer’s Observation on Student Participation:
Criteria | Excellent (A80-100%) | VeryGood (B70-79%) | Good(C60-69%) | Pass(D50-59%) | Fail(N0-49%) | Marks |
Context and critical thinking | Comments always insightful & constructive.Uses appropriate terminology.Comments balancedbetween general impressions, opinions &specific, thoughtful criticisms,orcontributions. | Comments mostlyinsightful & constructive.Mostlyusesappropriate terminology.Comments are mostly relevantwiththediscussion. | Commentsareoccasionally insightful & constructive.Occasionallyuseappropriate terminology.Comments are occasionally toogeneralornotrelevantto the discussion. | Comments are sometimes constructive,withoccasional signs of insight.Studentdoesnotuse appropriateterminology.Commentsnotalways relevanttothediscussion. | Commentsareuninformative.Lackinginappropriate terminology.Heavyrelianceonopinion& personal taste. | 40% |
Disciplinary Knowledge | Disciplinary knowledge is clearly presented and uses disciplinary language authoritatively.Shows critical understanding of the issue presented and demonstrates depth and accuracy of understanding. | Disciplinary knowledge is clearlypresentedanduses disciplinary language competently.Shows a proficient awareness of the issue presentedanddemonstrates accuracy of understanding. | Disciplinaryknowledgeis presented and uses disciplinary language approachingcompetency.Shows an awareness of the issue presented and demonstrateslimited content understanding. | Disciplinaryknowledgelacks clarity and uses disciplinary language tentatively.Showsanawarenessofthe issue presented and some evidence of gaining new understanding. | Disciplinary knowledge is unclearanddoesnotusethe languageofthedisciplineina sustained fashion.Demonstratesnoevidenceof gaining new understanding. | 40% |
Grammar and Vocabulary | Employs excellent discipline-based vocabulary relevant to the context and adheres to grammatical convention. | Employs a competent discipline-based vocabulary relevantto the context and adheres to grammatical convention. | Employs a developing disciplinary based vocabularythatadheresto thebasicrulesofgrammar. | Demonstrates limited disciplinary based vocabulary that adheres to the basic rules of grammar, with a number of errors. | Thetasklargelyrevertsto the use of non-discipline specific vocabulary with grammatical errors that interfere with meaning. | 20% |
Timely participation | It is important to check how student has been manage timing and promptness | |||||
Total marks | 100% | |||||
Comments |
Strategic Report: Group ProjectandPresentation•Weightage40% (25%: Report, 15%: Presentation)
Student Guidelines
Studentsinagroupof3-4willanalyzethecasestudy onanytopicamongstalotofthemuploadedon Moodle as a part of Assessment 2. This assignment requires that you write a 2000- 2500-word group report. This will involve critically assessing the issues presented in the case alongside theory/literature and making recommendations for improvements. The group is then required to present your work in the form of a presentation.
Questions that you are required to answer from the case are listedattheendofeach case.
Note: All the groups can pick any one case study.
Inyourreportyouneedtoaddressalltheissuesin the case study.
- Your discussion should be supported by citations from the current Organizational Change literature.
- You are required touse 12-15 peer-review academic journal articles.
- Your report should include the sections outlined in the exact order:
ExecutiveSummary: isanoverall summary of the entire report. It should:
Indicate the main subjects (major findings) examined in the discussion section of your report,
Stateyourrecommendations (No page number)
Table of contents: This is an ordered list of the different sections and subsections of your report. It must include numbered section headings and subheadings, with their relevant pages. This indicates to your reader where various sections of your discussion can be found.
Note: Table of contents should also be on a separate page. (No page number)
- Introduction:(Thenumberingofthepagesstarts here)Theintroductionshouldgenerallyinclude three key types of information.Background: This section sets the context for the report and provides the (brief) background information required for the reader to understand the report. For example, it may briefly outline the issue faced by the organization.Tellthereadersomethingabout
the history / origin of the report. When was it requested? Why is it important? Who was involved and how?
/objectives of thereport are.It indicates what key questionsthereportistryingtoanswerandwhat it is trying to achieve. Why was it written?
Scope:Tellthereaderexactlywhatareas/ideasare covered in the report. This also helps to explain how the report is organized. Look at your plan and consider your headings and sub-headings.
Discussion and analysis: This section is where informationrelevanttothetopicispresented.It must be fully referenced throughout, using various resources to support ideas. It should be organized logically, using topic headings, subheadings and minor subheadings to break it intosectionsandsub-sectionsbasedontheideas being discussed. All headings must be numbered sequentially. The length of a discussion is approximately 60% of the total word count.
- Conclusion: The purpose of the conclusion is to provide a summary of the major findings. It effectivelyattemptstoanswerthekeyquestions posed in the introduction. When writing a conclusion, it may be useful to consider the following:
What has been learnt or proved from doing this research?
Based on the research, what conclusions can be drawn?
Consider the key questions and objectives set out in the introduction – what are the answers / conclusions you came to?
Consider each of the key sections of your report – what was the main point made in each section?
Recommendations: Often when writing a report specific recommendations for future actions are requested. These can be included as a separate section after the conclusion or even as a part of the conclusion (using a sub-heading).
Recommendations should state what actions should beimplementedbasedoncasestudy.Youmaylist these in bullet points or small paragraphs.
- ReferenceList:Thislistincludesthefullpublication detailsofallbooks,articles,Websitesandother sources referred to in the report. Only cited articlesshouldbe includedin yourreference list and should be in alphabetical order.
ThereferencingstylesatVIT:APA styles
Your report needs to take into consideration the following aspects:
Background and Context: Provide an overview of the organization or scenario being analyzed.
ProblemorIssueIdentification:Clearlyoutlinethe primaryproblemorchallengebeingaddressed. Discuss why this issue is significant and its impact on the organization or stakeholders.
Analysis of the Situation: Use appropriate frameworks or tools (e.g., SWOT, PESTLE, or Porter’s Five Forces) to evaluate the case.
Change Management in Chaotic Environments: Describe how the organization responded to unpredictable or dynamic conditions.
Competitive and Collaborative Strategies: Discuss howtheorganizationmanagedcompetitionand collaboration within its industry.
Recommendations and Solutions: Offer practical recommendations to address the identified challenges.
Lessons Learned: Reflect on key takeaways from the case study.
The Report should be written in appropriate business language so that your analysis and discussion have an objective tone.
Your writingshouldbe clear andconcise andbein your own words.
Use visual data representations to support your discussion.
TheConsultativeReport(perteam)mustbeinthe range of 2,000 words in length excluding references. You must reference using the APA referencing style.
Reflective Piece: A further 400–500 words reflection
Reflectionsbasedonyourexperienceandlearningin thisexerciseandhowthismaybeappliedinyour own organization.
Yoursubmissionwill include twosubmissions: GroupReport+IndividualReflectiveReport+
Youwillbeassessedon thefollowing:
Research information: Appropriate sources are consulted, Sufficient sources are consulted, Sources are referenced.
Organize information: Appropriate headings, write clearly and concisely using an integrated structure, arguments and conclusions match purpose.
Develop and Explain: Case issues in depth and provideimplementationplanfortheorganization for improved decision making.
Write clearly and concisely: Arguments are easy to understand and succinct.
Presentation skills: Each group member will be assessed on the way of presentation and the quality of work.
Submission formattingstyleguide:
For all major assignments, both formative and summative, the preferred layout is in 12-point Calibri,with1.5 linespacing,2.5 centimeters left- handmargins andBoldheadings. Allassignments must be submitted with a completed and signed cover sheet. Whenever you use the ideas and argumentsofotherwriters,youmustrefertothe writers and their work. By acknowledging the work of others, you avoid plagiarism. The APA style requires a reference list at the end of your assignment.Itisarrangedinalphabeticalorderby author surname.
BUS6204-Assessment2•Case Study Analysis Rubric
FORFACULTYMEMBERONLY Assessment Task: Strategic Report-GroupProject•Weightage:40%
NameoftheStudent: StudentNo: Lecturer’sObservationonStudentParticipation:
Criteria | Excellent(A80-100%) | Very Good (B70-79%) | Good(C60-69%) | Pass(D50-59%) | Fail(N0-49%) | Marks |
Understandingof Concepts Analysis and Evaluation | Demonstrates exceptional understandin gofchange management theories, models, and principles, applied critically to the case. Providesinsightful,in- depth analysis, identifying criticalissues andproposing innovativesolutions. | Shows strong understanding ofkeychange management conceptswith good application. Offers solid analysis and evaluationwith relevant and practical recommendati ons. | Demonstratesadequate understandingwith basicapplicationto the case study. Providesbasicanalysis with some valid recommendations but lacks depth. | Limitedunderstanding of changemanagement concepts with partialapplication. Offerslimitedanalysis; recommendations are generic or unsupported. | Lacks understanding of changemanagement principles;littleto no application. Failstoanalyseor evaluate effectively; no valid recommendations provided. | 15% 15% |
Writing, Argument &Report Structure | Excellent,logically developed structure matched to the task.Generates a highly developed, focused,andsustained argument(s) | Uses logically developed structure matchedtothe task.Generatesdevelopedand focused argument(s) relatedtothe report. | Uses somewhat logical structure of paragraphsbutwith errors.Generates few developed and focusedargument(s)related to the report. | Poorlogicinstructure of paragraphs.Poordevelopmentand focus ofargument(s) related to the report. | Paragraphstructureis not clear, well ordered, or logical.Generates a series of statements or claims without connecting these to form a clear, logical argument. | 10% 10% |
relatedtothe report. | ||||||
Application to Case Study | Theories and frameworksof Change Management Theoriesare applied flawlessly and creativelyto address thecase studyscenario. | Theories and frameworksof Change Management are applied accurately toaddress thecase study scenario. | Some theories of ChangeManagement are applied, though inconsistently or superficially | Minimalorincorrect application of Change Management theories; limited relevancetothe case. | No application of theories or frameworks; fails to address the case. | 10% |
Presentationand referencing | Professionalpresentation with noerrors in grammar, spelling, or formatting;referencingis flawless. | Presentation is polished with minor errors; referencing is mostly accurate. | Presentation isadequate but contains errors in grammar, spelling, or referencing. | Poorlypresentedwith frequent errors in grammar,spelling, or referencing | Presentation is unacceptablewith numerous errors; referencingismissing or inaccurate | 10% |
PresentationSkills: Content, structure and Engagement | Highlyengaging, well- organized, clear, and comprehens ive content.Confident,professional, engaging,and natural delivery.Activelyengages audience; encourages questions and interaction. | Highly engaging, well- organized, clear, and comprehensiv e content.Confident butslightly lessengaging or polished.Engages audience but with less interaction. | Highlyengaging,well- organized, clear, andcomprehensive content.Some confidence, occasional hesitations or monotone.Minimal audience engagement; limitedinteraction. | Highlyengaging,well- organized,clear, and comprehensive content.Lacks confidence; frequent pauses or distractions.Little to no audience engagement or interaction. | Highly engaging, well-organized, clear, and comprehensive content.Unclear,monotone, or unprepared.Noengagementor audience interaction. | 15% |
ReflectiveLearning: Reporting, Responding, Relating, Reasoning& Reconstruc ting Thoughts | Excellentlydemonstrat edtheissues involved, explained why ithappened, made clear observation sand posed questionsto addressthe issues.Explained the relevant theory and literature support.Explained how the changes could be morebeneficial. | Significantlydemonstrated the issues involved, explained why it happened, made clear observations and posedquestions to address the issues. Explained the relevant theory and literature support. Explained how the changes could be more beneficial. | Demonstrates the issues involved, explainedandfairly explains why it happened, made clear observations and posedquestions to address the issues. Good attempt to explaintherelevant theory and literature support.Good attempt to explain how the changes could be more beneficial. | Demonstrates the issues involved, explained. Fairly explained the relevant theory and literature support.Fairly explained how the changes could bemore beneficial. | Demonstrated the issues involved, but vaguely explained why it happened. Demonstrated weak attempttoexplain the relevant theory and literaturesupport.Not muchexplanation as to how the changes could be more beneficial. | 5% 5% 5% |
Totalmarks | 100% |
Lecturer’sSignature: Date:// Name:
Individual Report•Weightage40%
Student Guidelines
This is an individual assessment, and you must choose one of the managerial problems related to change management as listed below that relate to your organization or another organization of your choice. You need to research all the data that will support management in such a way that they will have sufficient data andinformation that theyare able to make the decisions appropriately.
The change management theories you suggest in relation to this assessment mustbe made with regards to any one of the following:
Identify areal-worldexample where an organization successfullyadaptedtoachaoticenvironment? What were the key success factors? What lessons can belearnedfromorganizations that failedtoadapttosignificantchanges?
How can competitive and collaborative strategies help organizations navigate chaotic and unpredictable environments? How do changing environments influence the balance between competition and collaboration?
Further, you should be able to collect relevant information on the following parameters:
Consider situation characterized by high uncertainty, rapid changes, and complexity, often requiring organizations to be highly adaptable and innovative.
Analyse the Key Success Factors (KSFs) or conditions that contributed to the organization’s successful adaptation.
Choose a Relevant Real-World scenario: Select an organization that faced significant disruption (e.g., technological changes, economic crises, pandemics, or competitive challenges) and successfullyadapted.Examplesinclude Netflix transitioning from DVD rentals to streaming or Apple reimagining itself with the iPhone.
Thesecould include:
Innovation: Development of new products, services, or business models.
Leadership: Visionary leadership that guided the organization through change.
Agility:Theabilitytopivotquicklyinresponseto challenges.
Culture:Aculturethatsupportschangeandencourages creativity.
Technology:Leveragingadvancedtechnologytostay ahead.
CustomerFocus:Maintainingadeepunderstandingof customer needs and preferences.
Extractkeylessonsfrombothsuccessesandfailures: Embrace change as an opportunity.
Continuouslyinnovateandinvestin R&D. Structure Your Answer:
Introduction: Briefly explain what a chaotic environment is and its relevance.
ExampleofSuccess:Describetheorganization,the challenge faced, its response, and KSFs.
ExampleofFailure:Explainwhatwentwrongand why.
Lessons Learned: Summarize the insights from both cases.
CiteSources:Referencereputablesources,case studies, or articles to support your examples.
Your submission will include an Individual Report of 2000 words
Structure of the written report: Background information is relevant, issues are logically ordered, recommendations clearly relate to the managerial problem.
Identify critical managerial problem: Consider the situationandanalyzeitusingvariables,objectives and constraints.
Usethechangemanagementtheoriesandstrategies to solve the question
Implement the solution: Justify by providing alternatives that the solution generated is the optimal.
Write clearly and concisely: Arguments are explicit and succinct, appropriate headings are used, grammar and spelling are accurate.
Submission formatting style guide
For all major assignments, both formative and summative,thepreferredlayoutisin12-pointCalibri, with1.5linespacing,2.5centimetersleft-handmargins andBoldheadings.Allassignmentsmustbesubmitted with a completed and signed cover sheet. Whenever youusetheideasandargumentsofotherwriters,you must refer to the writers and their work. By acknowledging the work of others, you avoid plagiarism. The APA style requires a reference list at the end of your assignment. It is arranged in alphabetical order by author surname.
Criteria | Excellent(A80-100%) | VeryGood(B70- 79%) | Good(C60-69%) | Pass(D50-59%) | Fail(N0-49%) | Marks |
Identification of the Managerial Problem Understanding of Change Management Theories | Clearlyidentifiesa complex managerial problemrelated to change management, with comprehensive background context provided. Demonstrates an exceptional understandingof relevantchange management theories,linking themdirectly to the managerial problem. | Identifies arelevant managerial problem with sufficient context and understanding. Shows strong understandingoftheories withclearconnectionsto the managerial problem. | Identifies a managerial problem, but context ordepthofunderstandingis limited. Demonstrates basic understandingoftheories but links to the problem are general. | Problem is vaguely identified, with minimal context or relevancetochange management. Limited understanding of theories;connections to the problem are weak or unclear. | Failstoidentifya managerial problem or provides irrelevant or unclear context. Showslittletono understandingof change management theories; no relevant connections. | 15% 15% |
CriticalThinking and Creativity | Demonstrates exceptional criticalthinking andcreativityin evaluating theproblem and proposing solutions.Integratesperspectivesto develop clear model formulationfor optimal solution. | Showsstrongcritical thinking andcreativity inanalysis and solutions. Integrates contrasting perspectives to develop model formulationforoptimal solution. | Demonstrates some criticalthinkingbut lacks creativity or depthinsolutions. Formulatesaresponse that integrates perspectives for model development. | Limited critical thinking or creativity;solutions areconventionalor shallow.Response does not integrate contrasting perspectives for modelformulation. | Lacks critical thinking or creativity; responsesaresimplistic or irrelevant.Response does not integrate contrasting perspectiveson the issues. | 10% 10% |
DisciplinaryKnowledge | Disciplinaryknowledge is clearly presentedand uses disciplinary language authoritatively.Shows critical understanding of the issue presentedand demonstrates depth andaccuracy ofunderstanding. | Disciplinaryknowledge is clearlypresented and usesdisciplinary language competently.Showsaproficient awarenessofthe issuepresented and demonstrates accuracy of understanding. | Disciplinaryknowledge is presented and uses disciplinary language approaching competency.Shows an awareness of theissuepresented and demonstrates limited content understanding. | Disciplinary knowledge lacks clarity and uses disciplinary languagetentatively.Shows an awareness of theissuepresented and some evidence of gaining new understanding. | Disciplinaryknowledgeisunclear and does not use thelanguageof thedisciplinein a sustained fashion.Demonstrates no evidenceofgaining new understanding. | 10% 10% |
Use ofEvidence and Examples | Integratesdiverse, credible evidence(e.g., case studies, academic references, industry examples) to strengthen analysis and recommendations. | Uses relevant evidence and examples effectively,with minor gaps in integration | Includes some evidence,butitmay be limited in variety, relevance, or integration | Minimal use of evidence;examples areweakorloosely connected to the problem. | Fails to useevidence or examples effectively; argumentsare unsupported. | 10% |
Grammar &Vocabulary | Employsexcellent discipline- based vocabulary relevanttothe context andadheres to grammatical convention. | Employs acompetent discipline-based vocabulary relevanttothe context andadheres to grammatical convention. | Employs a developing disciplinary based vocabulary that adherestothebasic rules of grammar. | Demonstrates limited disciplinary based vocabulary that adherestothebasic rules of grammar, withseveralerrors. | The task largely revertstothe use of non- discipline specific vocabularywithgrammaticalerrors that interferewithmeaning. | 10% |
Referencing | Employs an accurate academic referencin g conventio n citingmultiple sources. | Employs an accurate academic referencing convention citing multiple sources, with some errors. | Employs a basic academic referencing convention appropriate to the discipline, with an adequate number of sources. | Employs a basic academic referencing conventionap propriate to the disciplinewith limited so |