Assessment 1: Individual Video Oral Presentation (30%)
Video Length: 10-12 minutes
Due Date: Week 6
Students are to choose ONE case study from the case studies provided below.
Students are then required to develop and deliver a 10 – 12 minute PPT/oral/video presentation, to be submitted by the Sunday of Week 6.
By drawing PRIMARILY from learnings in weeks 1 – 5 of this unit, students must explain how they might understand and respond to their chosen case study.
Challenges and ethical dilemmas must also be identified and discussed.
In your video/oral presentation, your PPT slides and your face must be clearly visible. Your speaking voice should be clear and at a volume the listener can hear.
You must include a reference slide at the end of your presentation (please do NOT read this out as part of your presentation) and acknowledge any sources that you use, including all web-based sources.
Please include at least five scholarly journal articles in addition to other (e.g., academic web-based) sources. It is IMPORTANT that at least four of your references in your reference list are taken from the readings provided in moodle weeks 1 – 5.
Do not rely upon non-academic materials as these in no way constitute academic references for the purpose of your presentation.
If you rely on such sources for theoretical support, you will be deemed NOT to have met the requirements of the assessment.
Please refer to the Unit Outline for the 3 case studies.
Case Studies
You are a drug and alcohol counsellor employed by YSAS (Youth Substance Abuse Service). Katie is your 14 year old client. Katie’s mother died when she was eight years old, and she lives at home with her father who suffers from a diagnosed mental illness and there are indications he uses alcohol to excess. She is an only child. Katie has been smoking marijuana every day for at least the past year. Her school Student Welfare Coordinator referred her to YSAS for counselling because Katie when Katie does attend school, she appears to be marijuana affected most days. Katie is also very isolated at school, with no significant friends or friendship group. She has low self-esteem, poor social skills and poor hygiene. Katie meets with you for her regular Wednesday counselling session. You have encouraged Katie to work toward reducing her marijuana use and she has agreed to do this. You talk to Katie about how she is going. During the discussion Katie tells you that she has a new boyfriend, she seems happy about the new relationship, her presentation is brighter and more positive than it usually is. You ask some questions about the boyfriend and find out that he is 20 years old, that Katie regularly sleeps over at his house and that he shares the house with 4 other males all aged in their twenties.
You are a Case Management Worker within an Intensive Case Management Service providing support to young people aged 12 to 17 who are in out-ofhome care. Sigin was born in South Sudan and came to Australia as a refugee with her mother and five siblings when she was a baby. She is the youngest child in her family. Sigin is 16 years old, on a child protection order and living in a residential unit. Four weeks ago, Sigin was transferred to you, and you are now Sigin’s allocated case manager.
You have met with Sigin 3 times over the past 4 weeks. Whenever you meet with her, she is respectful but illusive and guarded. You get the sense that she doesn’t trust you at all. Sigin’s case history informs you that she not been in a day program for the past 4 years, that she regularly uses illicit substances (marijuana and inhalants). The residential workers where Sigin lives say that Sigin absconds regularly from the unit, that she usually disappears for 2 – 3 days at a time with no explanation about where she has been or what she has been doing. When you talk to Sigin about where she goes, she just says she hangs out with friends, but she is unwilling to provide any details about who the friends are, how old they are, or what she does with them. She says she occasionally smokes marijuana but no other substances. According to Sigin’s case history, she was removed from her mother’s care approximately 3 ½ years ago relating to her mother’s long history of mental illness, self-medicating with illicit drugs and inability to provide appropriate care for Sigin. Sigin has had no contact with her for about the past year – when she moved to live interstate. Sigin’s older siblings are spread across a number of states, however, her eldest sister and her partner and four young children live on the other side of town (about 1 hour drive away). Sigin would like to have a better relationship with her sister, but this is difficult as the sister’s partner does not support a closer relationship. Sigin has a brother who lives close by and she has some contact with him. The brother has been a past client of Youth Justice and is currently facing criminal charges for a range of driving offences and burglaries. He is unemployed and smokes marijuana daily. Sigin would like to see more of her brother, but concerns have been raised about the negative influence he has on Sigin.