Subject Code and Title | EEDUSD500 Understanding Neuro diversity |
Assessment Task | Reflective essay |
Individual/Group | Individual |
Length | 1500 words (+/-10%). |
Learning Outcomes | The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:Analyse a person-centred approach to neuro diversity. Include the strengths and challenges of neuro divergent people, including references to specific neurological conditions such as autism spectrum condition (ASC), dyslexia and attention deficit hyper activity disorder (ADHD).Critically reflect upon bias, prejudices and assumptions associated with learning differences within the individual’s community settings.Contextualise historical and contemporary perspectives and practices that individuals with neuro diverse conditions, their careers and their communities.Apply research, synthesis, analytical and communication skills in the area of neuro diversity. |
Submission | Due by 11:55 pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Module 2.2(Week4) |
Weighting | 30% |
Total Marks | 100marks |
Assessment Task
This assessment task requires you to write a1500-word (+/-10%) essay adopting a person-centred approach to analyse the strengths and challenges of neuro divergent people. You are required to reflect on the neuro typical individuals’ bias, prejudices and assumptions related to specific neurological conditions that makeup neuro diversity and how these may impact individuals and their family.
Through a person-centred approach, this assessment task aims to help you better understand the impact of neuro diversity on an individual’s everyday life. Neuro diverse individuals face many
Challenges within their daily environments whether that be school, the workplace or the community. By completing this assessment task, you will gain a greater understanding of the historical and contemporary factors that influence how neuro diverse individuals are viewed. By reflecting on multiple sources, you will better understand the prejudices and biases neuro typical individuals have regarding the neuro diverse population. By undertaking this reflection and considering the challenges neuro diverse individuals experience, you will be better placed as a practitioner to support the development of those neuro diverse individuals that you will work with.
This assessment task requires you to write a 1500-word person-centred reflection that
explores neuro diversity and societies’ attitudes towards neuro diverse individuals. This reflection provides an opportunity for you to develop your knowledge about person-centred methods and document personal reflections.
- Prior to Writing
To prepare for this assessment task, carefully review the content from Modules 1-2. Following this, investigate and review the specific literature outlined within the module content to further develop your personal understanding of neuro diversity, person-centred approaches and inclusive practices.
You will be expected to reference at least 10 sources to support your assessment task. These should include academic sources from the module readings alongside other sources such as blogs, newspaper articles and other person-centred sources.
- Follow the Structures and Guided Questions to Write Your Reflection
Please see the Academic Skills page on Reflective Writing for support: Reflective Writing & Thinking -Academic Skills – Assessment Preparation – Library at Torrens
- What neurological conditions constitute neuro diversity?
- How was the term neuro diversity developed?
- What is a person-centred approach and how can it be applied to better inform your understanding of neuro diversity and the challenges that affect neuro diverse individuals on a daily basis?
- What are some examples of person-centred approaches and inclusive practices that you have seen or that you have read about within society that support neuro diverse individuals?
- What is your experience and involvement with individuals who are neuro diverse?
- What have you learnt about neuro diversity through a person-centred approach and how would this knowledge impact your practice moving forward?
- What societal attitudes are you aware of in your school/workplace/community? Did you find differing attitudes in the person-centred sources that you explored as part of your wider research?
- How does your experience and understanding impact the type of support that you would provide to neuro diverse individuals to support them in accessing their contexts in which they need to participate?
- What historical and contemporary biases do you know of that have affected the inclusion of neuro diversity individuals in society? Include negative and positive examples.
- How has applying a person-centred approach affected your understanding of neuro diversity?
- How have societal prejudices and assumptions associated with neuro diversity changed throughout time and how have they led to positive change moving forward?
- What evidence-based inclusive practices may address some of the barriers neuro diverse individuals face on a daily basis?
- What recommendations would you give to neuro diverse individuals and their carers looking to further engage with society?
- Your reflection will be assessed against the subject’s rubric that clearly outlines all the assessment criteria. Please review it for further detailed clarification.
- You must refer to contemporary best-practice research and evidence throughout your assessment task and acknowledge any ideas or sources using correct in-text citation procedures.
- Write in the first person.
- Format of Your Reflection
- Font: 11-pointCalibri, 11-pointArial, or10-pointLucidaSans.
- Line spacing: Your entire essay should be double-spaced. There should not be extra spaces between paragraphs.
- Align left: The text of your essay should be lined up evenly at the left margin but not at the right margin (i.e., do not use justified alignment). 2.5cm margins at the top, bottom, right and left of every page. Default margin in Word 2.5cm.
- Page numbers: The title page is your first page. Place page numbers in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
- Academic sources are required, as detailed on page 2 of the Academic Writing Guide. The reference list page should start on a new page.
- In-text citations are included within the word count; however, the reference list is not included in the word count.
It is essential that you use current APA style for citing and referencing the sources that you use. Please see more information on citing and referencing guidelines on the Academic Skills webpage.
Submission Instructions
Submit this task via the Assessment tasks link in the main navigation menu in EEDUSD500 Understanding Neuro diversity. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Academic Integrity
All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own, is academically written and appropriately referenced following the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic integrity policy and procedures and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are available online.
Students must also keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.
Special Consideration
To apply for special consideration for a modification to an assessment task or exam due to unexpected or extenuating circumstances, please consult the Assessment Policy for Higher Education Coursework and ELICOS and, if applicable to your circumstance, submit a completed appli